
Fingerprinting Fees



  • $35 -  Live Scan
  • $32 -  Registration with California Department of Justice (DOJ)
  • $17 -  Registration with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • $10 -  Registration with Child Index (CHI)
  • $10 -  Registration with Department of Social Services (DSS)
  • $35 -  Fingerprint Card


* These special registration fees are set and imposed by DOJ, FBI, or other special agencies. We must collect them from you and pass them on, if you request these services. We do not charge anything for ourselves when we transmit your prints to these agencies for background checks or whatever.

* Please contact us if you are paying the fee online. The fee for DOJ depends on your ORI number and whether you have Billing Number provided to you (Some agencies provide you the Billing Number).

Example: If you request Live Scan with referrals to DOJ and FBI (a common option), the total charge to you is $32.00 + $17.00 = $49.00. Is government fees.

Payment Options

Our services can be paid by cash, check or money order or online. We also accept Mastercard, Visa , American Express and ATM.

Payment can also be made by your employer or agency. If your employer or the agency that sent you for Live Scan has offered to pay the cost, they should provide you with a Billing Number. Just give us your authorization and this billing number and we will do the rest.

Schedule an Appointment
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